Saturday, December 5, 2015

Gastro-intestinal Involvement in Scleroderma (part 2 of 2)

How Is This Diagnosed?

Diagnosis is mainly based on symptoms however; it is officially made after a series of medical tests. There are several medical tests that people with suspicions about it can undergo, the simplest in an x-ray of which the doctor can see how your digestive system is doing. For sever cases, a surgical biopsy is done. This would involve having the doctor take scrapings of the linings of the affected organ and having it examined under a microscope.

Another way of diagnosing gastro-intestinal involvement in scleroderma is through endoscopy or by having the doctor view your digestive system through a small camera. This will allow the doctor to see which areas are affected by the scleroderma and see how it has developed within. It is very important for the doctor to know accurate details about a patient’s condition, especially for gastro-intestinal involvement in scleroderma since it will be their basis on what treatment approach to follow.

Can This Be Treated?

A very important point that all people involved in scleroderma or all those who are concerned with it is that it is treatable. The thought of scleroderma having no known cause or no treatments in general would usually discourage a lot of people. Gastro-intestinal involvement in scleroderma is very much possible as long as it is diagnosed and treated as early as possible. If significant damage has already been inflicted, little can be done to reverse those effects.

The key to treatment of gastro-intestinal involvement in scleroderma is to have it diagnosed as early as possible, taking care of yourself and careful medical attention. Make sure that you and your doctor would help each other out in treating you of your condition.

Gastro-intestinal Involvement in Scleroderma (part 1 of 2)

While the skin is the most affected organ in all cases of scleroderma, another one of the most affected organs are those that are found in the digestive system that would occur on around 75% to 85% of all cases. Patients with gastro-intestinal involvement in scleroderma would experience difficulty in their day to day lives as an effect brought about by scleroderma.

Scleroderma causes the walls of the affected organ in the digestive system to thicken, thus limiting the blood flow towards it. This in turn would limit the functions of the affected organ and would give rise to several problems which refer to the organ that is affected. Esophageal problems can occur in all forms of scleroderma, involvement with other organs in the digestive system such as the intestines, the liver and the stomach are only limited to systemic sclerosis.


There is no recognized cause of scleroderma, what is known is how it works. Scleroderma happens when a person’s antibodies would attack his or her own tissues, which is contradicting to its main purpose which is to protect them from harmful factors. This would in turn cause the affected area to thicken that would limit blood flow to it causing the normal function of the affected area to be dysfunctional, limited or completely dead.

Scleroderma would usually begin with the skin in the form of calcinosis or Raynaud’s phenomenon, symptoms which can be easily seen and felt in the skin. If the symptoms stop developing from that point, then that case is limited scleroderma however if it spreads to other organs, that case is systemic sclerosis and that could even get worse as it could still spread to other organs.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Causes of Mood Swings (part 2 of 2)

Growing up is a painful but necessary change in life. This is especially true as kids hit their teenage years. For women, the changes are more visible: their bodies develop curves that once weren’t there. They also start experiencing menstruation, which is painful in itself. Their voices change and even their skins could change, making them more acne prone among other things. Add all these up and it’s fairly easy to understand why adolescents become prone to mood swings.

Bipolar Depression
In this case, mood swings are merely a symptom of a more prevalent condition. Bipolar depression is vastly underestimated by many. It is a serious condition that when left untreated can lead to graver complications.

The best way to know if one is suffering from bipolar depression is to obtain a professional diagnosis.

ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is certainly not something to scoff at either. True enough, it is not in any way life-threatening but if the affected individual is left to cope with his condition without professional help and support, he will find it extremely difficult to achieve certain things in life – things that may come naturally to other people who aren’t suffering from ADHD.

And because he doesn’t understand the cause of his inadequacies, he could be prone to mood swings. There is no cure for ADHD but there are ways to help affected individuals lead a normal lifestyle.

Last but not the least, problems in your life can easily lead you to suffer from mood swings. The best way to prevent mood swings in this case is to solve your problems instead of running away from it.

Whatever the cause of your mood swing, you’ll find it easier to prevent them from occurring again if you have the care and support of your loved ones.

Causes of Mood Swings (part 1 of 2)

Mood swings, also known as phase mood changes, may have natural or unnatural causes. Receiving good and bad news at the same moment certainly warrants a mood swing. But there are also times when a person experiences mood swings for no apparent reason. When this happens, you might want to consult a physician about it as such mood swings could be a symptom of a more serious problem.

Possible Mood Swing Causes
Before approaching your physician, you can review the possible causes below and see if any of them may have brought about your mood swings.

Menstruation and Menopause
Some women have all the luck. They go through menstruation each month and menopause in the latter stages of their lives without ever suffering pain or discomfort. Others are not as fortunate and these women are the ones prone to suffer from mood swings.

Menstruation and menopause cause hormonal changes in our bodies and these changes could mess up the way we think and feel at the moment. Mood swings could be a result. Certainly, the pain that comes with menstruation and menopause can also cause mood swings. At the early part of the day, you could be extremely happy but once your period comes, your mood could instantly change and you become irritable and overly sensitive.

Mood swings during these stages may frequently occur but even so, they’re entirely natural and as such you shouldn’t be too worried about it. To regulate their frequency, try doing what you can to alleviate the pain caused by other symptoms of menstruation and menopause. Do that and the frequency of your mood swings will consequently go down.